
Sunday, June 13, 2010

US Troops Kill Innocent Civilians

WikiLeaks has released a video taken from a US Apache helicopter showing the murder of two Reuters journalists in Iraq in 2007. Not just two journislists, but unarmed civilions were also shot. Not to mention, there were two kids injured during the attack also. The video has raised new questions about rules of engagement in battle, liability of soldiers for their actions and the mindset of US soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The video, allegedly taken from inside an Apache helicopter flying over Baghdad on July 12, 2007, shows the shooting deaths of two Reuters journalists, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen while audio reveals that the soldiers mistook the cameras the journalists were carrying for AK-47s.
"The soldiers are treating war like a video game," said RTs Kristine Frazao, who attended the video release and watched the footage. I too thought that as i watched it. None of the media systems have showed this video in news, or even bothered to bring it up to our attention.
Notice how the video was made in 2007, it is brought 3 years later, and it's only one video. If this happens in one video, what other things can be happining in other videos that are yet not seen.
As i looked at youtube videos about this i saw this one comment that get me really frustrated with people's ignorance.
snmatthews said:
"If we didn't have other countries coming into the us high jacking our planes and then nose diving them into our buildings killing many of our innocent and others from around the world then maybe we wouldn't have to act on such a short response in a country that wants to see us all dead. everyday there millions of people in all countrys looseing the loved ones because of selfish acts of others ."
Many of you are probably thinking like this, clearly this person is talking about 9-11. Whether or not you believe that governments carry out "false flag" terror, you might reasonably assume that the 9/11 Commission investigated September 11th, and concluded that Osama Bin Laden and his group of terrorists were solely responsible. Than i have a website that will make you a bit skeptical.
I hope you have the willingness to look at the proof about 9-11.
But moving on, back to the video, i found a comment i like.
smallyb2009 said:
"If america realy want's to rid the world of Terrorist,s they should start by charging these disgusting Animal's with Murder,They must be mentally unstable to enjoy ending the lives of other Human beings,How many lives have been destroyed because of these trigger happy scumbags."
Wake up people, face reality.

1 comment:

  1. Those helpless innocent people.Stupid military and government
